BLOCK CHAIN Technology….. The most important invention of human society since the birth of Internet. The HYPE of this decade. And im sure you already have witnessed THE WORLD ADOPTING BLOCKCHAIN
Blockchain technologyis being used by healthcare industry, real estate, media, trade & finance, banking sector, supply chain management, food industry, retail, automobiles, government services, insurance sector, hospitality industry, travel, digital identity, IT sector, intellectual property, gaming, cyber security PHEWW…… JUST to name a few aaandddd the list is endless.
Perhaps, not a single business entity which has not been revolutionised by the Blockchain Technology. Isn’t that a marvel??
It is a vast, global distributed ledger or database running on millions of devices and open to anyone, where not just information but anything of value… not only money, but also titles, deeds, identities, even votes …… can be moved, stored and managed securely and privately. SO…Trust is established through mass collaboration and clever code rather than by powerful intermediaries/mediators like governments and banks.
EVERY cloud has a silver lining …. Similarly, Covid 19 pandemic did bring some pleasantness. The Sanskrit phrase ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam’ WORLD a global village …could never be more relevant… anddd COVID 19 brought the world as ONE FAMILY. AAALLLLL THANKS TO INTERNET for coming to rescue…..

We all witnessed…. how the covid 19 crisis questioned the traditional approach to education.??? The educational sector came to a complete halt overnight & Thankfully the online mode of education came to its rescue.
However, we all know the shortcomings of existing mode of online education ………. andddd here enters the BLOCKCHAIN TECHNOLOGY as a SAVIOUR..
Now, to give more clarity, lets go through the shortcomings of the traditional system of ONLINE EDUCATION and how the implementation of BLOCKCHAIN TECHNOLOGY in education such as BY PEDAGOG will transform and REVOLUTIONISE THE education sector.
We all are aware of the High fee and Slow speed faced by students in requesting transcripts for applications. Blockchains are God Send in this situation.
Using blockchain to send transcripts will not only save time and money, additionally saving transcripts to blockchain ensures that they are protected for ever …in case of server failures or natural disasters. & The most prominent players in this space includes Pedagog, which uses blockchain to secure and share student records.
Now, we all have witnessed… degrees are too easy to forge or tamper by skilled forgers . Blockchain will make it easy for potential employers or institutions to verify the credentials.
Pedagog through its blockchain technology has already addressed this problem for over by issuing certifications on the blockchain
So far, there has been no mechanism for the user and Subject matter expert to rank the courses content, SIMPLY BECAUSE it is centrally managed with a monopoly!! Hence, fake reviews, fake ratings .
The transparent, decentralised and immutable ledger ie. The blockchain technology used by pedagog ensures authentic reviews and rating mechanism.
Only the student who has completed the course can review and rate.with a dedicated timestamp and hash. Isn’t that a relief???
Now it is impossible to track true identity of each student, each semester at every college.
However, The groundbreaking technology of blockchain being used by pedagog, in collaboration with eiu provides the true identity of the user including age, citizenship and other details etc. for lifetime.
Student records…. we all know are virtually endless, and verifying them… soooo time consuming, with loads of paper documentation and case-by-case checking… which is a terrifying job.
Pedagog with its Blockchain dynamism can eliminate much of the overhead associated with this process ….saving educators and administrators time in transfers between colleges or states, academic journey, the course undertaken, institution applied to, date of enrolment, hours spent online, assignments/thesis status, grading etc. for a lifetime.

It is the Blockchain which has enabled researchers to publish their work without restrictions…….that would allow them to monitor their RESEARCH REUSE Isn’t that amazing????
Advantages of blockchain integration in the education sector, over the traditional mode of online education can go on and on and on… but the time constraints….
Pedagog is built with learners in mind who we believe should not have restrictions when it comes to learning. Learners can earn and learn and vice a versa in this platform , The gamified way of learning provides learners an opportunity to earn experience points convertible into fiat(USD) & thus redeem for any courses or degrees on Pedagog
Pedagog with its blockchain technology has revolutionised the online education system.
Being the only white label Blockchain platform, Pedagog is a decentralised education marketplace with hundreds of thousands registered students already… in a very short span.
Many Institutions like EIU, BSM, CMU institutions worldwide are collaborating with Pedagog wherein PEDAGOG acts as a bridge bringing the learners to the institutions and courses via pedagog
Imagine the teachers of future. Design your own avatar and control them with the data on your device and control panel. Add lessons or whatever you want to teach and the digital tutor is there to teach your students. Educational institutes can simply hire whitelabel services from Pedagog to utlise them for their own education business
This is about latest technologies along with blockchain which are truly revolutionising the education industry
As per the combination of AI, ML & Bigdata software provide programmed instructions like coaching and teaching the pupils and gets their feedback, improves itself and gives a much better overall teaching experience
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