Category: Education

The Future of Management Education: Trends and Innovations

In the ever-evolving landscape of education, the realm of management studies stands at a pivotal juncture. As industries morph, technologies advance, and global challenges shift,

How to be rich overnight?

THE REALITY OF ONLINE EDUCATION WORLDWIDE The onset of 21st century witnessed a glut of online system of education attributing the reason to the advancement


Unlocking Success: Pedagog’s Cutting-Edge Corporate Courses

In today’s dynamic business landscape, staying ahead of the curve is imperative for both individuals and organizations. As the business world evolves, so do the

Juggling Hats: A Day in the Life of Emmanuel Akpeme, Founder of Yebo Academy

Emmanuel Akpeme wears many hats. By day, he’s a manager at the prestigious PwC, navigating the complex world of finance. But his true passion lies


In the vibrant mosaic of Malaysia, where the rich heritage of Bahasa Malaysia weaves through the global tapestry of English, an intricate story of linguistic

The Power of Routine: A Day in the Life of Leading Psychologist Ms. Shamina Deol

As a prominent psychologist and academician, Ms. Shamina Deol‘s daily routine is an intricate dance between intellectual pursuits, patient care, and personal well- being. Her

How Ms Tina Yang, the COO of European International University Paris Manages Her Daily Work Routine

How Ms Tina Yang, the COO of European International University Paris Manages Her Daily Work Routine Staying Organized and Productive in a Demanding Role Ms

Explore New Horizons: 12 Exciting Courses Launched on Pedagog

In the ever-evolving landscape of education and professional development, staying ahead of the curve is crucial. Pedagog, a leading online learning platform, has recently launched

CEO in asia

The Mission of one CEO in educating the masses

It’s admirable that Ms. Imesha, the CEO of Ceylon Campus, has such a strong commitment to providing quality education to the masses in Sri Lanka.

ceo's in kuwait

Pedagog’s Approved Learning Centres across the Globe

Congratulations to Students and Learners across the Continent. Pedagog – An International Ed Tech Platform on the opening of its new Learning Approved Centre in