Future of Education – Pedagog

Pedagog.ac is a specialised decentralised online learning platform introduced as the world’s first ever recognised and accredited VIRTUAL SCHOOL, involving the provision of basic education as well as vocational and tertiary education, all under one roof, through the seamless application of blockchain technologies and AI technologies. The decentralized learning on the blockchain enables the removal of intermediaries and unnecessary administrative redundancies in the process of education. Furthermore, the platform enables the delivery of learning experiences and resources in the most personalized, timely, and efficient manner. https://www.youtube.com/embed/6l5Psj_7J-M?autoplay=0&mute=0&controls=0&origin=https%3A%2F%2Fmanage.wix.com&playsinline=1&showinfo=0&rel=0&iv_load_policy=3&modestbranding=1&enablejsapi=1&widgetid=9Fundamental to the learning on blockchain is the bringing together of communities of educators and content developers (authors) as well as learners, who are all driven by their pursuit and desire for professional growth. The blockchain combination makes the education provided highly interactive, transparent, and one of the most affordable basic and tertiary international education solution ever available and accessible to humankind. On the technological front, the decentralized network efficiencies enable the addition of groundbreaking levels of automation and focused clarity in all the functionalities of education management.
Prof Joel Farnworth & Tina Yang can be seen in the video talking about the new exciting education platform – Pedagog.ac


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