Technology has no doubt transformed the way we look at the world around us today. Every industry has had players which have initiated technological advancements and given benchmarks to others. Similarly, in the education world a not so new entrant is working callously in bringing transformation in this industry with very innovative and revolutionary advancements. This is European International University, based in Paris, which is working on path breaking technologies with the aim to make education reach the masses at the most affordable way and thus reduce the mass commercialisation of education done by other universities which has in reality ruined young people with pile of debts even before graduating.
European International University, Paris is to be credited for offering learners, both students and professionals, with the latest learning opportunities and unique learning experiences that they need and deserve. Along with the range of courses, certifications and degrees they have to offer, they are now planning to launch their own global e-learning platform which is named Pedagog.
The engineering team deployed by this university is working in the reverse manner by focusing on the current problems faced by the students in the present day and by incorporating those elements in the development of their platform a truly revolutionised & futuristic e-learning model is been planned to be launched by the end of first quarter of this year.
The world has seen a lot of new things erupting in the past few years for example people talking about decentralisation, distributed ledgers, cryptocurrencies, bitcoins, ethereum, robotics, artificial intelligence & virtual reality which has brought in millions of new jobs and added billions of dollars in the economy, but at the same time along with the substantial growth the nature has also acted bizarre with the unforeseen on the rise — the Coronavirus which has at the hastily placed the world to its feet, bringing financial markets all time low, billions of dollars being lost in a matter of few days. Who won and lost doesn’t suddenly seems to matter when something like this happens.
The reason to mention above relates to the fact that when the mission of any organisation is to think about others and not merely just its own monetary benefits, the only outcome then can be expected is the ‘THE BEST’ This is the mission of EIU Paris through its e-learning platform ‘Pedagog’
Following are the technology trends that has been incorporated by EIU Paris in the creation of its upcoming e-learning platform.

REMOTE LEARNING: Remote learning through virtual classrooms has reshaped education. This offers a huge step forward in accomplishing the fundamental right of EDUCATION FOR ALL. This has also overcome the limitations of time and distance, and all one needs is a reliable internet connectivity, paired with apt mobile technologies. High quality of learning is made possible for students by providing them access to educators or subject matter experts who may not be reached due to distance or time constraint.
INTERACTIVE GAMIFICATION: It is the concept of applying game design to educational content thus making it more engaging and fun. Educational content has reached the next level through UX gamification. There is a theory behind it. Interactive things are always easier to remember and retain. Thus, whole learning process becomes easy with this approach. The whole idea is to use the typical game technique of giving challenges, rewards to winners, providing harder challenges with even bigger rewards or digital token currency. Thus, the learner also earns while he learns, which of course is the biggest motivation to continue learning.
VIRTUAL REALITY AND AUGMENTED REALITY: Virtual reality is the next big thing enhancing student learning and engagement. It cuts across all the barriers and gives a feeling of things being right in front of your eyes. Learners find themselves immersed in what they are learning and are able to process the information better, thus, resulting in lifelong learning. The research coders are continuously working seamlessly in introducing VR & AR in the field of education which is still in its very early stages.

BLOCKCHAIN TECHNOLOGY: The blockchain invention is now proven to be a success with its full proof ledgers and security. EIU is the only university of its kind for using the blockchain technologies to revolutionize the educational scenario.
It will be used in collaborating distributed information in database. It is been tested that blockchains can play an instrumental role in examination management, verification of student credentials, certificate verification, just to mention a few.
Life long learning records can also be managed using blockchain. Thus, a huge step forward in educating the next generation of students.
ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE: This can do miracle by the use of advanced learning mechanisms to understand the needs of students and teachers, The Pedagog platform engineers along with leading AI consultants will continue the research to implement AI in every part of the e-learning platform to make the most favourable user interface in promoting learning to the masses. AI is still in its infancy though!
The introduction and the usage of their own native tokens by learners to study in this advanced platform is expected to make learning more fun and rewarding and the tutors on the other hand can expect income and growth of their revenues at the same time said Dr. J. Anand in a press conference in London