Category: Featured

Title: EIU Takes Pride in ASIC, UK Accreditation: A Remarkable Milestone

The Senior Inspector of ASIC, UK, who also happens to be the Founder and Director General of EIU-PARIS, attended the prestigious Srinakarinwirot University’s ASIC Accreditation

Honoring Vice President Ronnie Brunswijk: Distinguished Political Leadership Award 2023

We are overjoyed to offer His Excellency Ronnie Brunswijk of Suriname, Vice President, our sincere congratulations on receiving the esteemed Distinguished Political Leadership Award 2023.

vice chancellor of the university

Surge in students completing Online Degree programmes

Online Degrees at a fraction of a cost with great Universities . Contact [email protected] Scholarships Available

Your child’s mental health is more important than their grades!

Ong Ai Teng is a seasoned Child counsellor and a trainer and has helped number of parents and children by providing the pathway in their

Latest Brochure of Short Skilled Courses on Pedagog (Course Brochure)

Here is the brochure of our courses updated till 5th March 2023. Welcome to our courses! We offer a variety of courses to help you

Blockchain to the rescue- Implications on online learning !

BLOCK CHAIN Technology….. The most important invention of human society since the birth of Internet. The HYPE of this decade. And im sure you already

how to become a teacher

Teaching is the profession which teaches all the other professions

Career in Teaching Teaching is a rewarding and often demanding career choice, allowing you to impact the lives of students and fellow educators. Educators have